All Primary School Article - Growth Development


How To Tackle He, She, It  2014-08-22

Last time, we mentioned that parent have to assist the child to prepare their new life in primary school psychologically. Yet, there are uncountable, unpredictable factors cause the social problem of a child. How could parents handle them?


The Social Issues of Primary Students (1)  2014-08-15

New venue, new regulation will affect the social, along with other issues of a freshman of primary school. Social ability is the pivotal factor that would affect the whole life of primary school......


Japanese Primary Girls  2014-08-08

I did scary while my colleague has shown the news to me, a battery of girls which around 7 year-old who are the experts of make-up, fixed the eyebrows, and take off the body hair. They, also, appeared in the TV beauty show. What’s the matter?


Diagnosis or Misdiagnosis?  2014-02-21

Most of the parents, especially in Hong Kong, are familiar to ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ADD (Attention-Deficit Disorder) or HD (Hyperactivity Disorder). However, how many argumentative and misdiagnosed cases have happen? How many riddles of ADHA have been raised? 


Primary & Secondary School Teachers Insufficiency Knowledge on Handling Dental Traumas  2013-08-09

Very few teachers have the necessary know-how, and Hong Kong has shown a serious lack of relevant teacher-training in the past decade, according to research done by the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong.