All Model Mothers Article - About Mother


Setting Social Media Boundaries With Babysitters: What Parents Need to Know   2016-11-21

Leaving a list of emergency contacts for your kid's babysitter isn't enough these days. Now, protecting your kids includes setting boundaries for your sitter's social media use on the job.


10 Ways Moms Can Balance Work and Family  2016-10-24

It's never easy being a mom trying to juggle a full-time job with a family life. Read on for tips on how you can reach an ideal work-life balance.

More moms than ever are in the workforce. According to, "women now make up half of all workers in the United States, with nearly 4 in 10 homes having a mom that is also a working mother." Being a full-time working mother can lead to feelings of guilt and stress because of divided attention between work and family. The key is to focus on a plan, get organized, and find the right balance between profession and parenthood. Here are 10 ways to help make sure both your career and your family flourish.


7 Ways to Soothe Your Crying Baby  2016-05-18

New moms, by recreating the atmosphere of the womb, your little one will feel less irritable and soon quiet down.


Children DO age you!  2016-03-23

Childbearing causes accelerated aging in women, scientists revealed… The study found having kids causes women to experience oxidative stress…


How Your Diet Could Leave You INFERTILE  2015-10-29

Poor diet is driving infertility in Britain, the US and other wealthy nations… Even slim women will 'struggle to start a family if they have a high-fat diet'… Three new studies suggest high-fat food 'damages ovaries, produces poor-quality embryos and reduces sperm counts' …