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Men Go For Looks, Women Go For What?  2014-05-15

A new survey has revealed that women are more attracted to men who are financially stable and more ambitious, while men tend to choose women based on the attractiveness of their face and body.


The Hottest New Games Console In Town is For Dogs  2014-05-09

Just like working mums, working dog owners constantly feel guilty for leaving their pooches home alone.


Do 'low-calorie' sections on menus make us FAT?   2014-05-02

When presented with many choices, diners discount parts of the menu

When healthy foods are grouped together, they seem unappetising

So discounting all 'healthy options' section is quick way to help decide

In turn, diners inevitably end up ordering something more fattening

But same effect not seen when healthy options spread throughout menu 


Young Children Form First Impressions From Faces  2014-03-07

Just like adults, children as young as 3 tend to judge an individual’s character traits, such as trustworthiness and competence, simply by looking at the person’s face, new research shows.