All Pregnancy Article - Psychological Development


4 Things That Change Forever After Baby (Both Good and Bad)  2016-08-29

Your body has transformed into a baby-feeding-and-comforting machine. Your romantic partner is suddenly someone's Daddy. You've figured out how to line up all the snaps in those onesie pajamas. But here are some things you might not have realized will change forever once you're a parent.


The Fourth Trimester - Why Newborns Hate Being Put Down  2016-07-21

 “Why will my baby only sleep in my arms, what am I doing wrong?”  A question so frequently asked by exhausted new parents.

The first three months of parenting are often the hardest. A quarter of all babies in this age group are diagnosed as suffering from colic, a diagnosis given when doctors don’t know why a baby is so unhappy and parents are unable to stop their tears.


'Baby Brain' DOESN'T Exist  2015-04-30

Some women say pregnancy makes them scatty and unable to think… Study found they did just as well on brain tests as non-expecting women… But they did rate themselves as having lower scores than the reality… Researchers concluded that 'baby brain' is a stereotype and all in the mind… 


Infertility Women 3 Times To Be Depressed  2014-09-12

Reason for mental health problems is the 'unfulfilled wish' to have a family...Women able to 'let go' of their maternal desire are more likely to be happy...A decade after fertility treatment, women who still wanted children were 2.8 times more likely to have mental health problems... 


The First Intimate Interaction starting from Prenatal  2010-07-13

For the first time a mother and her fetus intimate interaction, in fact, had begun by the pregnancy.