Parents Lie could Teach Boys to be Dishonest

Parents are more likely to lie in front of boys than they are with girls, according to new research.



The study also suggests men learn about dishonesty from a young age and may help to explain why some studies have shown that men tend to lie more than women.

Scientists found that parents were more willing to lie to win money when their sons were watching than when their daughters were present.

Dr Daniel Houser, a researcher at George Mason University and the National Bureau of Economic Research who was the lead author of the study, said: 'There is an interesting effect of children on parents’ behavior. 

'In the child’s presence, parents act more honestly, but there are gender differences.

'Parents act more dishonestly in front of sons than daughters. This finding has the potential of shedding light on the origins of the widely documented gender differences in cheating behavior observed among adults.'



In the study, 152 parents with children aged between three years old and five years old were asked to flip two coins.

Each coin had a green side and a blue side. If the coins landed green side up, the participants would be given a prize of up to $10 for the parents or a toy for the child.

While the researchers left the room, the parents were asked to write down the results of each coin toss - either with their children in the room or alone.

The researchers then compared the average winning rates and found that the parents were more likely to lie about the result if their child would get a prize.

They also tended to lie less in front of daughters than in front of their sons.

Dr Anya Savikhin Samek, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who also conducted the study, said it was not entirely clear why parents felt they could be more dishonest in front of boys.

However, she said it could explain why some studies have found that men are more likely to cheat in tests where they may win money.

Other research has suggested that when it comes to relationships, women may be better at hiding their infidelity.

Speaking to the Washington Post, she said: 'Maybe that’s because dishonest behavior is considered more socially acceptable for boy.

'It’s not a causal relationship, but the gender finding gives us something to think about how societies form and about the origins of dishonesty.

'We do find that one of the origins is parenting. Around age four, kids develop theory of mind. 

'That allows them to understand that others can have a different set of facts than they do, and that leads to the understanding that you can deceive people.'

The study was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.


Are Men The Dishonest Sex?

Men have always had a worse reputation for being unfaithful - backed up by high profile scandals among the powerful and famous.

However, while 20% of men are thought to cheat on their partner, data from paternity tests suggest the rate among women may be equally as high.

Around 15 per cent of children are not fathered by the men who are registered as being their father.

A separate study by Indiana University-Kinsey Institute-University of Guelph found that 19 per cent of women are unfaithful compared to 23 per cent of men.

Another piece of research by Stefan Fafinski, a criminal lawyer at Brunel University, suggests that women are also more likely to class someones actions as dishonest compared to men.

Psychologists at the Stockholm School of Economics found that when offered a monetary rewarded, however, 55% of men lied compared to 38% of women.

Written By Richard Gray

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