All Pre-School ~ Kindergarten Article - Care Children


Anxiety is 'Catching' & Can Be Passed on to Children  2015-05-08

 It has long been known that anxiety runs within families… But new research shows a child's upbringing also has strong influence… Attitudes of over-anxious parents can severely affect children's behavior… 


Sleeping Beauties  2014-08-05

Photographer Sandi Ford captures heartwarming images of just days old newborns while they are sleeping. Places them in a variety of positions, including the frogi pose where the babies prop up their head in their hands.


Disorder of Literacy and Language Development  2014-02-14

 One of the hot topics amongst the Hong Kong parents is the disorder of the children in reading or writing. Most of the parents are being perplexed by this disorder whether their children have this disorder or not?  


Half of Hong Kong’s Preschoolers Have Tooth Decay  2013-07-31

Roughly one half of Hong Kong’s preschool children show signs of tooth decay (dental caries) and nearly all of these children have untreated decay, a team of HKU dentists has reported in the journal BMC Public Health.


Baby Refusing to Sleep  2013-03-20

Babies fail to follow a regulated schedule of “work” (i.e., being awake and involved in various activities) and rest because they are “too tired”, meaning they are too tired and miss the time when they can easily fall asleep.