Knowledge & Skills
Vision Screen for Preschool children

The Family Health Service of the Department of Health provides vision screening for preschool children at 4 years of age or above by registered optometrist / orthoptist.


The visual system continuous to develop after birth and matures by about 8 years of age.  Abnormal vision or related abnormalities are harmful to the maturation process.  If not corrected, the child’s future vision may be reduced.



However, it is difficult to identify affected children just by observation in daily life.  The most effective method to detect these abnormalities is by vision screening.  With vision screening, children can receive earlier treatment to protect the vision development.


Common causes of abnormal vision include” Amblyopia, Squint, Significant refractive errors, such as long-sightedness, short-sightedness and astigmatism.


Bring your child to consult your doctor or optometrist if you suspect him to have a visual problem.  Your child develops abnormal visual behaviour such as blinking more than usal, tilting his head, squinting, covering up one eye when reading or watching TV or holding objects close to their eyes to use.


Tips for care eyes:

  1. Have a balanced diet and regular outdoor physical activities
  2. Keep a reading distance of at least 30cm
  3. Keep a viewing distance of 50-70cm from computer screen
  4. Keep a long viewing distance from TV, the longer better
  5. Rest intermittently when reading or viewing TV or computer screen.  Look far way to relax your eye muscles.
  6. Wear protective goggles when playing sports.
  7. blink your eyes repeatedly several times when dust or irritant gets into the eyes.  This allow the tear washing away the irritant.


Information’s by Family Health Services Department

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