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List of Milk Formula Brands

Since Japan’s earthquake, a majority of the parents using Japanese milk formula is planning to switch to other brand for their little ones, but the market have a wide range of formula, how should parents choose a suitable brand for their baby ..?


Pediatrician pointed out that while the market of milk formula products, the ingredients and formulations are very similar in fact, most of them are homogeneous protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals and vitamins, and other basic elements, in fact, based in the difference between different brands advertised contribute to physical and mental development of infants with different additives, such as DHA, ARA and taurine (Taurine), helps infant’s brain development of these elements; prebiotic (Prebiotics) help intestinal health. The following will provide the major brands of infant formula and composition, can be used for reference!





Made In

March Average Sale 

Product Characteristic

Abbott (900 gram)

Similac Advance 1 



With DHA, AA, and taurine, etc., to enhance mental and visual development, as well as exclusive patent registration of T-PAN component nucleotides, and breast milk content of the same ingredients to help enhance the resistance.

Gain Advance 2 


Gain Plus Advance 3 


Gain Kid Advance 4 


Cow and Gate(900 gram)

Royal 1



With the unique prebiotic FOS and GOS (Prebiotics) combination, can promote the growth of intestinal bacteria help the baby to absorb nutrients, increase endurance; while prebiotic to soften stool and reduce the chance of constipation.

Royal 2


Royal 3


Royal 4


Wyeth (900 gram)

S26 Gold 1 



With Lutein (xanthophyll), vitamin A, choline, iodine, iron, taurine, AA and DHA and other important nutrients to support healthy eye and brain development.

Promil Gold 2 


Progress Gold 3 


Promise Gold 4 


Mead Johnson(900 gram)

Enfamil A+1



With high levels of DHA, ARA, Prebiotics prebiotic and antioxidants to help reduce intestinal health and bowel problems.

Enfapro   A+ 2


Enfagrow   A+ 3


Enfakid   A+ 4


Enfaschool   A+ 5


Friso (900 gram)

Frisco Gold 1



With DHA, AA, ALA, SA, taurine, choline and phosphatidic acid 7, the Ministry of brain development elements, and the use of high-quality probiotic fiber (Prebiotics) - GOS, is an important component in breast milk, stimulating the number of probiotics maintain intestinal health.

Frisco Gold 2


Frisco Gold 3


Frisco Gold 4


Milupa (900 gram)

Aptamil 1

Holland & Indonasia


Near breast milk lighter elements, containing folic acid help musculoskeletal growth.

Aptamil 2


Aptamil 3


Aptamil 4


Nestle  (900 gram)

Nan HA 1



Small and easy to make high-quality protein to digestion and absorption of the baby, medical research confirmed that the baby can stimulate the body mechanism, active resistance to external stimulation, the complete consolidation of resistance.

Nan HA 2


Nan HA 3


Snow Brand (950 gram)

Smart Baby 1



DHA added raw materials from Japan to help promote the baby's brain and visual development of the important elements. Milk oligosaccharides ingredients, reduce constipation, so the stomach is more healthy.

Smart Baby 2


Smart Kid Growing Up Formula







*The price is up to the end of March, for large supermarket / pharmacy Dissatisfied set of price data.

*All the above pricing is for referral only.

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