The Golden Era Now Screening


The new release of noted director Ann Hui, “The Golden Era” re-structured the legendary life of the Chinese representative female writer of period of republic of China, Xiao Hong. The film has been invited to be the closing film of (Venice International Film Festival.

“The Golden Era” is starring by Tang Wei, and Feng Shao Feng. Tang plays the part of Xiao who had the short life but magnificent. She encountered the heartbroken love in the enormous political situation, and she got her vague ideal, and incapable of predomination fate.

Xiao was born in Harbin, and she started her vagrant life from refusal the forced marriage from the arrangement of her father. When she encountered another writer, Xiao Jun. Since then, she followed him, and met the northern writers. Subsequently, her talent had been acclaimed by Lu Xun. Lu had written the preface of the Xiao’s first literature hereafter. At that time, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Jun was a famous couple of literary. Good Times never last, they engendered the rift; Once again, Xiao Hong stepped onto her wandering road loneliness.

Nevertheless, whatever she met, wherever she stayed, she never gave up writing. During the war, she was tossing, via Harbin, Chongqing, arrived Wuhan, then to Hong Kong. She has finished one of her masterpieces “Tales of Hulan River”(《呼蘭河傳》) when she was dragging ill. The life of Xiao Hong was full of rebellion and exodus. Finally, she had the short-lived life who dead at 31 in Hong Kong, the foreign land.





The Golden Era

Director:  Ann Hui

Cast:       Tang Wei, Feng Shao Feng, Yuan Quan, Huang Xuan, Lei Hao, TianYuan

Language: Mandarin (Chinese subtitles)

Time Running :178mins

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